
Flu Shot

Flu Shot




Have you got

the flu shot yet?

From: diane@vancouver.ca
To: barclay1720@aol.com
Date: Thu, Nov 1, 2012 6:06 pm
Pacific Daylight Saving Time

Hi Kato,

How are you doing?
You're right about the lousy weather, much too cold for my liking.
But when the consider what the rest of the country gets, I guess we shouldn't complain too loudly.

Thanks for the interesting story on Mona Lisa.
I enjoyed the following article:


"Mona Lisa"

The Mona Lisa WAS most probably, Leonardo's mother; but then again it could have been a self-portrait.
It sure does look a lot like Leonardo, doesn't it.
Maybe he had a secret wish to be a woman and wanted to see what he would have looked like had that been the case.
... guess we'll never know for sure, and the debate goes on.
Interesting, indeed!

Have you got the flu shot yet, Kato?
The boys at the gym were trying to convince me this morning to get mine and I do know that it reduces the risk of getting the flu by 62% or so, but there is still a 38% chance you'll get it anyhow.
I'm debating as it sounds like a fierce one this time around, but I try not to get any shots or take any drugs I really don't need.


Ciao for now,

Love, Diane ~

So Kato, have you got the flu shot yet?

Oh, no ... just like you, Diane, I don't think I need one.

Why not?

Well ... I read the following article:

Get Your Flu Shot, Jackass

John Mazerolle
Thurs., January 17, 2013

Flu season might seem like it's almost come and gone, but there's still time to get a flu shot, you big jerk.
Yeah, you heard me.
I'm insulting those of you who haven't received your flu shots yet---you doofuses or, if you prefer, doofii---because I figure if you haven't been jabbed yet, you're probably not going to get the late-but-still-effective poke due only to the gentle prodding of health-care providers.
What you need is someone to needle you.
So get a flu shot, jackass.

And make no mistake: By not getting a flu shot you're being a jackass---a risk-taking, disease-spreading, conspiracy-minded (or maybe just lazy) jackass.

Here's what I think: If you don't get your flu shot, maybe you're not that bright.
Maybe you're the type of person who snickers when they read that something was published in the Annals of Family Medicine.

Or maybe you base your health decisions on a YouTube video of a 1993 news report showing that a lone person in Iowa once got sick from a flu shot, which always makes me wonder what you think of, you know, food---what with the choking and the poisoning and the parasites.

Or maybe you're the sort of person who reads this TMZ tweet---"Hugh Jackman (says) flu shots don't work. Center for disease control says otherwise. Which side do you believe?"---and hasn't answered by the time they've read "Jackman."

Or maybe you just haven't gotten a flu shot because you're a sensible person who hasn't gotton around to it.
Then here's why you need to get it:

  • The flu shot helps.
    Estimates this year are that it cuts your risk in half.
    That means I'm 50 per cebt less dangerous than you are and 3,000 per cent more intelligent.

  • The flu shot is necessary.
    You can't get by just with hand-washing---not in a cruel, unsanitary world where many public bathrooms still have that towel-imitating cloth-thing that dangles down from a dispenser daring you to touch it.
    Most people just frown at it, their hands dripping, wondering what heinous acts might have been performed on it, only to leave it there, filthy, yet probably touched only 15 times, tops, since it was installed in 1973.

  • The flu shot saves lives.
    Thousands---tens of thousands---of people die on average every year in North America because of the flu, and like most illnesses, it's particularly harsh on our most vulnerable, including our humour columnists, who don't get paid if they're too sick to go to work.
So I'm not trying to be holier-than-thou. I'm trying to drive home that I don't want the old, the young and infirm to get sick or worse, because they caught the flu from selfish, crazy you. In other words, I only complain becauase I care about you, want the best for you and, yes, maybe even love you. You jackass.
Well ... this doesn't sound nice, does it? DO you really think the above article is insulting readers? I believe so... 'cause I haven't got the flu shot yet.  I don't even think I need one. Why not? Well ... as you know, Kato, I'm taking the chi-gong class and practicing yoga. I think I'm quite healthy. But I clealy remember that your voice was broken and you were coughing violently several months ago.  Apparently you were suffering from the flu. Do you really think so? Yes, I do.  I can't forget it.  You looked so miserable. Kato, as you know, nobody is perfect.  Once in a while I seem to catch a cold, but I usually stay healthy.  So, Kato, you've got the flu shot, huh? Oh, no.  As I said, I haven't got the flu shot yet. But you read the above article, then changed your mind and eventually you've got the flu shot, haven't you? No, I haven't. Then how come you mentioned the above article. Well ... after reading the above article, I happened to come across the following passage:
Improve Your Immunity The wavelength of the sound of nature will improve your immunity. Why is that?---you may ask. Well ... the wavelength of the natural sound is called "fluctuation of 1 / f." Music with this wavelength is known to increase the power of your immunity. Many of Mozart's famous works have this wavelength. So, Mozart's music sounds pleasant to anybody. Aside from Morzart's music, there are some other works with "fluctuation of 1 / f." For example, "Raindrops" of Chopin, "Air on the G String" of Bach, "Hungarian Dance No. 5" of Johannes Brahms, "Blue Danube" of Johann Strauss, and Liszt's "Liebesträume No.3." In addition to these classic works, however, nostalgic melody and your favorite songs will be very comfortable for you. The important thing is that you become familiar with your favorite music. Music therapy is excellent to improve your immunity because you can certainly enjoy your music. (translated by Kato)
音楽で免疫力を高める 自然の音の波長は免疫力の向上につながります。 自然の音の波長は「1/fの揺らぎ」と呼ばれていますが、この波長を持った音楽は免疫力をアップさせます。 この波長を持った音楽としてはモーツアルトの曲が有名ですが、このほかにも1/fの揺らぎをもった音楽は少なくありません。 モーツアルトの曲には、誰が聴いても心地よいと感じる音楽がたくさんありますが、他にも1/fの揺らぎをもった音楽はあります。 たとえば、ショパンの「雨だれ」、バッハの「G線上のアリア」、ブラームスの「ハンガリア舞曲第5番」、J・シュトラウスの「美しく青きドナウ」、リストの「愛の夢第3番」などです。 しかし、これらのクラシック以外にも、昔から親しんだ童謡や懐かしいメロディは、ある人たちにとってはとても心地よい音楽になるでしょう。 大切なことは、好きな音楽に親しむことです。 音楽療法が優れた免疫力アップの一つである理由は、すべての人が心からなごみ、楽しめる点にあるといえます。 64-65ページ 『超免疫力!』 著者: 星野泰三 2005年9月5日 第1版第1刷発行 発行所: PHP研究所
Do you really believe that Mozart improves your immunity? Yes, of course, I do because those music pieces mentioned in the above passage are my favorites. Air on the G String" Liebesträume No.3 Le Beau Danube bleu Hungarian Dance No.5 Chopin's Raindrops Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven) Eine kleine Nachtmusik (Mozart) From time to time, I've been listening to the above music. So, you haven't been sick these days, have you? Oh no, of course, not.  I've never been to hospital, nor taken any flu shot, even taken no medicine for more than 20 years. No kidding! I'm quite serious.  Believe me, Diane, Mozart will really help you improve your immunity so that you could stay healthy for the rest of your life. I doubt. Do you? ...'cause I also love Mozart, but I don't think he has improved my immunity. Well ... it all depends on how seriously you believe in Mozart.  In any case, Diane, you'll be okay. What makes you think so? Do you remember that you were so crazy about beet-roots? (safeway2.jpg) Safeway Supermarket on Robson street, Vancouver (cart02b.jpg) I'm not particularly interested in beet-roots. I thought you loved beet-roots. Kato, the above image was in your dream. (sumer42b.jpg) "Dream Dream Dream" Well ... then buy some and eat it as a "beet-root and lettuce" salad. (beet02.jpg) Why is that? ...'cause beet-roots improve the power of your immunity as described in the above article.
【Himiko's Monologue】 Well ... what do you think? Do you think Mozart improves your immunity? His music might strengthen the power of your immune system. Wether by Mozart or by Beethoven, you could at least enjoy your favorites even when your immunity wouldn't be improved. In any case, I hope Kato will write another interesting article soon. So please come back to see me. Have a nice day! Bye bye ...
If you've got some time, Please read one of the following artciles: "Diane Chatterley""From Canada to Japan""From Gyoda to Vancouver""Film Festival""Madame Taliesin""Happy Days""Vancouver Again""Swansea" "Midnight in Vancouver""Madame Lindbergh""Dead Poets Society""Letters to Diane""Taliesin Studio" "Wright and Japan""Taliesin Banzai""Memrory Lane to Sendai""Aunt Sleepie""Titanic @ Sendai""Birdcage" (sylvie121.jpg)"Roly-poly in the wild""Silence is dull""Zen and Chi Gong""Piano Lesson""Dangerous Relation""Electra Complex" (juneswim.jpg)"Covent Garden""Fatal Relation""Notre Dame""Anne Frank""Biker Babe""Diane Girdles the Globe""Diane in Casablanca""Infidelity Neighbourhood""Forest Bathing""Enjoy Ramen!""Sex, Violence, Love""Halifax to Vancouver""A Thread of Destiny""Fujiyama Geisha" "Beaver Lake""God is Near!""Holy Cow@Rose Garden""Vancouver Earthquake""Birthplace" "KIFF""You Love Japan, eh?""Eight Bridges""First Love""Fright on Flight""Boy's Movie""From Summer to Eternity""Sōseki & Glenn Gould""Dream Dream Dream""In Search of Your Footprint""Little Night Music""Merry X'mas""Happy New Year!""Long live Diane!""Mona Lisa" Hi, I'm June Adams. Music therapy is an allied health profession and one of the expressive therapies, consisting of an interpersonal process in which a trained music therapist uses music and all of its facets—physical, emotional, mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritual—to help clients to improve or maintain their health. Music therapists primarily help clients improve their health across various domains such as cognitive functioning and motor skills by using music experiences. It is considered both an art and a science, with a qualitative and quantitative research literature base incorporating areas such as clinical therapy, biomusicology, musical acoustics, music theory, psychoacoustics, embodied music cognition, aesthetics of music, and comparative musicology.
ところで、愛とロマンに満ちた レンゲさんのお話をまとめて 『レンゲ物語』を作りました。 もし、レンゲさんの記事をまとめて読みたいならば、 次のリンクをクリックしてくださいね。 『愛とロマンのレンゲ物語』 『軽井沢タリアセン夫人 - 小百合物語』 とにかく、今日も一日楽しく愉快に ネットサーフィンしましょうね。 じゃあね。

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