
Genetically Modified


Genetically Modified







Kato, you don't like GMO, do you?


Well... to tell you the truth, I didn't know much about GMO.

Then how come you pasted a NO-GMO sticker in the above?

Since I didn't know much about GMO, I borrowed a DVD about it.


“Actual Catalogue Page”

So, you borrowed the above DVD on August 10 and, after viewing it, you jotted down the comment, didn't you?

Yes, I did.

There are still 18 people waiting for the available DVD, aren't there?

Yes, there are.  It looks like many people are interested in GMO.

I can see that.  So, Kato, how did you like the movie?

Well... before I'm gonna tell you my opinion, why don't you take a peek at the trailer?


Ummm... Quite interesting!  I think I'm gonna borrow it myself.

Please do.  Actually, I've been really convinced that those genetically modified foods are damaging human beings.


Take a look at the following clip.


You see, Diane... Monsanto, a multinational agrochemical and biotechnology corporation, introduced genetically engineered cotton to India.  Because of this cotton, farm workers are getting itching rashes, and livestock eating the plants are getting sick or dying, and the cotton's unreliable yield is leading to an enormous number of suicides among indebted farmers.

Amazing, isn't it?

Yes, it is.  Besides, genetically engineered foods play as a major contributor to rising disease rates especially among children. Gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, inflammatory diseases, and infertility are just some of the problems implicated in humans, pets, livestock, and lab animals that eat genetically modified soybeans and corn.

But Kato, is this all true?

Well, a variety of American organic food companies see Smith as a champion for their interests, and Smith's supporters describe him as the world's foremost expert on the topic of genetically modified foods.

I've heard that Mr. Smith was a ballroom-dance teacher and yogic flying instructor before he started his crusade againt GMO.

That's darn true, but as you see the above clips, he is respected as a public educator on GMO.

But some people decribe him as misinformed and misleading, don't they?

That's true. Although they accuse Mr. Smith of being an activist with no scientific or medical background, the film is quite convincing that GMO really damages human beings.  Don't you think, Diane?

Then how come the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) ignores a growing health emergency?

The film says, the USDA has lied about it since 1992.  Besides, some of the top administrators of the USDA are ex-executives of Monsanto.  That is, Monsanto controls key appointments to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) as well as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  The thing is, no matter who wins the presidential election Monsanto benefits.

How about President Obama?  Is he influenced by Monsanto?

Oh, yes he is.  Throughout his first term, for example, President Obama presided over the passage of several Monsanto-friendly legislative initiatives and appointed numerous people associated with Monsanto to high-level positions.  So, in this regard, even Putin opposed President Obama as shown in the following clip.



I see... So, most of the countries are introducing anti-GMO legislation, huh?

You're telling me, Diane.  I'm pretty sure, these clips may change your diet, eh?

So, Kato, what would you suggest?

Of course, you should go for organic foods, and take a lot of phytonutrients.

What are phytonutrients?

Watch the following clip.


I see... So, I should eat foods of 5 colors every day, huh?


SOURCE: "5 Colors of Phytonutrients You Should Eat Every Day"

Those foods of 5 colors will definitely keep you in shape for years to come.


【Himiko's Monologue】


Now, I know how important those foods of 5 colors are.
I'll eat foods of 5 colors every day to keep myself in good shape for years to come just as Diane will do.

By the way, during the summer vacation, Diane enjoyed a mind-blowing duck lunch in a French medieval village.



Diane also enjoyed pasta dinner.


The duck dish looks great, and the pasta seems delicious,
but I'd rather eat some sushi now.

How about you?
Do you like sushi?
I'm sure you do.

Why don't you make California rolls?
I'll show you how to make those rolls.

California Rolls

An Easy Sushi Recipe

Now, you know how to do it.
Enjoy it to the hilt.

In any case, I hope Kato will write another interesting article soon.
So please come back to see me.

Have a nice day!
Bye bye ...



If you've got some time,

Please read one of the following artciles:


"Go Bananas"


"Stanley Boardwalk"

"With Your Tiger"

"A Second World"

"Asexual Thought"


"Stanley 125 Years"

"Sushi @ the Globe"

"Peace@Syria & Pentagon"

"Sweet Memory"

"Unforgettable Movies"

"Typhoon 26"

"Great Luck"




"Happy New Year"

"Merange & Sabina"

"Beauty in Spa"

"Love @ e-reading"

"Troublesome Slang"

"World Family"

"Mari's Bagels"

"Love & Loyalty"

"Another Cinderella"

"Amazing Two-legged Pooch"

"Delusive Romance"

"Royal Couple"

"Life with Music"


"Glorious Summer"

"Biker Babe & Granny"



Hi, I'm June Adams.

The contemporary version, internationally known as "sushi", was created by Hanaya Yohei (1799–1858) at the end of the Edo period in Tokyo.
Sushi invented by Hanaya was an early form of fast food that was not fermented (therefore prepared quickly) and could be conveniently eaten with one's hands.

Originally, this sushi was known as Edomae zushi because it used freshly caught fish in the Edo-mae (Edo Bay or Tokyo Bay).
Though the fish used in modern sushi no longer usually comes from Tokyo Bay, it is still formally known as Edomae nigiri-zushi.

I like temaki sushi.
It is easy to make.
Here are the step-by-step instructions.


Temaki Sushi








『軽井沢タリアセン夫人 - 小百合物語』







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