Roly-poly in the North

Roly-poly in the North

Subj:Summer is here
with us!
Enjoy the sunshine!

Date: Tue, Jul 26, 2011 4:35 pm.
Pacific Daylight Saving Time
Thanks my truly skinny Socrates, Kato.

■"Madame Riviera and Burger"
(July 26, 2011)
I've read the above article.
Your article is excellent as usual.
I did remember that you lived in Yellowknife some years ago.

Many years ago, I too lived for six months or so in the north, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory.

Actually, I worked for a mining company in a small town called Faro (Anvil Mines at the time) as secretary to the President.
I was given my own apartment (most of the staff had to live in bunk houses) and a huge salary compared with what I would receive in Vancouver.
So I was thrilled about that.
I didn't want to feel totally isolated, though, so I asked whether I could eat with the others in the cookhouse and they obliged.
Thank God.
It was fun and much easier than doing my own cooking and making do with the limited selection in the local store.
The cook took a special liking to me and every day he would give me extra rations of cookies and cakes.
Pretty soon I realized that if I took advantage of these favours I would end up being a roly-poly.

so I would take them and then give them away.
Lotsa fun.
I do remember a really cute Japanese gal who worked up there telling me she had already gained 25 lbs in one year, and it showed.

It was all the lesson I needed, thankfully.

Le Crueset cookware is definitely famous.
A friend of mine in Kerrisdale has some and he said they're very, very expensive but worth every penny.

He has one pot that he uses almost daily and has for years and it has proved to be the best pot he's every cooked with and worked with---sturdy, reliable, easy to work with.
So I guess it's worth the big bucks, true?!
Le Creuset

Le Creuset is a French cookware manufacturer best known for its colorful enameled cast iron casseroles, which the company calls "French Ovens", or "Dutch Ovens".
The company also makes many other types of cookware, from sauce pans to tagines, and sells a line of corkscrews and wine openers under the "Screwpull" brand.
Le Creuset was founded in 1925 in the town of Fresnoy-le-Grand in Northern France by two Belgian industrialists - Armand Desaegher (a casting specialist) and Octave Aubecq (an enameling specialist).
The pair introduced the signature Le Creuset round cocotte (French/Dutch Oven) soon after; the cocotte remains the company's most popular cookware piece to this day.
In 1934 Le Creuset introduced the signature Flame (orange) colored enamel on its cast iron cookware items.
The company also invented the doufeu, a Dutch oven with a concave lid that is filled with ice during the cooking process.
After World War II, Le Creuset began to focus on exportation, and by 1952, 50% of all cast iron production was bound for the United States.
In 1955 Le Creuset introduced its first grill model - the Tostador - and in 1956 a new color, Elysees Yellow, was introduced to great success.
In 1957, Le Creuset purchased its competitor Les Hauts Fourneaux de Cousances and began producing some signature Cousances cookware vessels, including the doufeu, a cocotte with a water lid, under the Le Creuset brand.
The current Le Creuset logo was introduced in 1970 and was designed to be a symbolic representation of metal casting and molding.
The company was purchased by current owner Paul Van Zuydam in 1987.
(Note: picture from the Denman library)
Free encyclopedia Wikipedia

Kato, why don't you take me to Antibes with you?

Don't be silly, Diane! We're in beautiful Vancouver.

Diane... Vancouver is the paradise...don't you think?

Vancouver is pretty good, but not paradise I'd say.
The weather's too crummy half the time, or more than half the time actually, Which is why my brother left Canada for France.
He could no longer stand the cold weather.
Certainly, I do miss him.
As a matter of fact, I've found an interesting joke:

You see, Kato, we don't have many sunny days in Vancouver!
Anyway, I enjoyed reading your article.
Thanks again for all this.

Love, Diane ~ did stay up in Faro for six months, didn't you?

Oh, yes, I did really enjoy the life up there.
I can easily imagine that you enjoyed working for the president and getting a huge salary.
Yes, you're telling me, Kato.
Then, how come you quit the job and left Faro?

I didn't want to be like a roly-poly gal like the above.

Oh, c'mon, Diane! Don't be silly! You can't eat that much.
Yes, I could. You see, Kato, the cook took a special liking to me and every day he would give me extra rations of cookies and cakes. He kept on doing that. If I had stayed for another six months, I would have ended up like a really fat woman.
Oh, yeah?
I'd really wanna be in a good shape as you know.
Yes, I know you're quite health-conscious. Anyway, you must've been enjoying the life in Faro. What was it like?
If you're really interested in the life up there, you might just as well watch the following video clip, which I've found while net-surfing.
CWG Pan Northern Torch Relay
in Faro, Yukon
July 1, 2006

The scenery is quie familiar to me. It reminds me of Yellowknife, where I stayed for about two years.

Yellowknife is not too far away from Faro. So both places are much alike, I suppose.
You know what, Diane?
What's that? Tell me.
I was almost to meet you in Faro.
Do you really mean it?
Yes, I do. When I quit the government job in Yellowknife, I came down to Vancouver, where I was hired by Information Systems Services Inc.---a consulting firm.
So you started working as a consultant, didn't you?
Yes, my boss said to me that the firm hired me because the Cyprus Anvil Mining Corporation needed a consultant who specialized in the Hewlett-Packard mini-computer system.
So, Kato, you specialized in the HP minicomputer system, didn't you?
Yes, I did.
Then how come your firm didn't send you to Faro.
I did some research on that.

Faro is a small town in the central Yukon, Canada, formerly the home of the largest open pit lead–zinc mine in the world as well as a significant producer of silver and other natural resource ventures.
The mine was built by the Ralph M. Parsons Construction Company of the USA with General Enterprises Ltd. of Whitehorse being the main subcontractor.
Currently (June 2007) the population is 400, considerably lower than its peak of over 2,100 in February 1982.
Faro was named after the card game.
Though these industries have declined over the past decade, Faro is attempting to attract eco-tourists to the region to view such animals as Dall's Sheep and Stone's Sheep—a species of mountain sheep almost unique to the surrounding area.
Several viewing platforms have been constructed in and around the town.
One unique feature of Faro is that it has a golf course running through the main part of town.
Residents are also treated to frequent sightings of wildlife.
Lorne Greene, famous for his work in Bonanza, once narrated a film about Faro called "A New World In the Yukon."
The area was prospected in the 1950s and 1960s by Al Kulan, credited with discovering several significant deposits of lead and zinc ore and playing a major role in the discovery of the Faro Mine, which became Canada's largest lead-zinc mine.
The Cyprus Anvil Mining Corporation established the first operations to mine the deposits, and established the town of Faro.
A new highway was built between Carmacks and Ross River to serve the Faro area - initially numbered Highway 9, it is today part of the Robert Campbell Highway, Yukon Highway 4.
Al Kulan was murdered in 1977 by a person diagnosed by a psychiatrist called by his defense counsel at trial as having a "paranoid personality disorder compounded by alcohol abuse" and who had a list of people he wanted to kill including the Commissioner of the Yukon.
The murderer had no mining connection with Kulan.
The victim, who was living in Vernon, B.C. at the time, was actively involved in mineral exploration at the time of his death and was in Ross River to prospect an area nearby.
A forest fire in 1969 destroyed the beautiful newly-built homes, and work had to start all over again.
The mine remained in more-or-less constant production until 1982.
Trucks carried the ore concentrate from the mill by highway to Whitehorse, where the buckets were lifted from the trucks and lowered onto cars of the White Pass and Yukon Route railway.
The trains took the buckets another 106 miles to Skagway, Alaska, where the contents were poured out into the holds of ships.
During those years, Cyprus Anvil was purchased by Dome Petroleum.
World prices for metals fell in 1982, and the mine owners announced in May a two-month halt to production starting in June, 1982.
In July, the mine owners extended the shutdown to four months.
In September, the owners announced that the shutdown would be indefinite.
(Note: map from the Denman library)
Free encyclopedia Wikipedia

My firm changed its plan, and sent me to ICBC (Insurance Corporation of British Columbia).

Well..., now I know the reason. As you see the above Faro's history, world prices for metals fell in 1982, and the mine owners announced in May a two-month halt to production starting in June, 1982. This economical down turn made the mining company stop hiring more consultants.
So, you were sent to ICBS, instead of Cyprus Anvil Mining Corporation, weren't you?
Yes, I was. If I had been sent to Faro, I would've certainly met you up north.
What a strange fate, Kato! And we met in Joe Fortes Library, Vancouver, instead.
Yes, we did. We were supposed to meet in this world...ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,...
But, I don't think Vancouver is a paradise, Kato.
Why not?
Well..., the weather's too crummy half the time, or more than half the time actually, Which is why my brother left Canada for France. He could no longer stand the cold weather.
I see... I see... but, Diane, you're expecting too much, you know.
Am I?
Yes, you are. Take a close look at Japan.

Too many eathquakes in Japan?

You're telling me, Diane.

Nuclear plant disaters?

Yes, you're telling me.

Too many tsunami damages?

Yes, there are. I don't think you like those giant waves. Besides, there are also social and cultural disaters.

How many people die by suicide in Japan?

There have been more than 30,000 people who commit suicide every year for these ten years---almost 100 people die by suicide a day---four people an hour.
Oh, what a pity!
Besides, some people are starving to death.
Kato, you must be kidding! Starving to death in Japan?
Here is a proof:


I can hardly believe this!

I don't really like to see this kind of abominable situation. But there's something awfully wrong about Japanese society and politics.
What's that?
Well...I'm writing some articles about pitiful Japanese situations.
Are you?
Yes, I am. Anyway, take a look at these pictures.

Compared to the Japanese natural, social, and cultural climates, I would say, Vancouver is a paradise, though we don't have many sunny days.

So, paradise is a matter of relativity, isn't it?
Yes, it is. And it's a matter of choice. I've chosen Vancouver as my paradise, and you're an important part of my paradise.
Why is that?
...'Cause you've got a network of happy and friendly people.
Have I?
Yes, you have. You've forwarded me this happy and funny mail the other day.

I feel that I live in a paradise when reading the above message and looking at those hilarious pictures while smiling.
May your mornings bring joy,
and your evenings bring peace.
May your troubles grow less
as your blessings increase!
【Himiko's Monologue】

Yes, yes, yes, I can see that Vancouver is a paradise.
As Kato mentioned, there's something awfully wrong with the Japanese politics, which produces miserable situations, where some people commit suicide or are starving to death.
What a pity!
As one of the Japasene citizens, I think each Japanese should take an action to improve the sad situations.
Don't you think so?
Paradise is one thing; romance is another.
Come to think of it, I've never met a decent man in my net life.
How come I'm always a loner?
I wish I could meet a nice gentleman at the library in my town as Kato met Diane.
Well, they say, there is a way where there is a will.
Have a nice day!
Bye bye ...

■"Queen Nefertiti"
■"Catherine de Medici"
■"Catherine the Great"

■"Mata Hari"
■"Sidonie Colette"

■"Marilyn Monroe"
■"Hello Diane!"
■"I wish you were there!"
■"Jane Eyre"

■"Jane Eyre Again"
■"Jane Eyre in Vancouver"
■"Jane Eyre Special"
■"Love & Death of Cleopatra"
■"Nice Story"

■"Spiritual Work or What?"
■"What a coincidence!"

■"Wind and Water"
■"Yoga and Happiness"
■"You're in a good shape"

■"Net Travel & Jane"

■"Net Love"
■"Complicated Love"
■"Electra Complex"
■"Net Début"
■"Inner World"
■"Madame Riviera and Burger"


■ 『きれいになったと感じさせる
■ 『ちょっと変わった 新しい古代日本史』
■ 『面白くて楽しいレンゲ物語』

■ 『カナダのバーナビーと軽井沢に
■ 『今すぐに役立つホットな情報』
■ 『 ○ 笑う者には福が来る ○ 』







Subj:Summer is here
with us!
Enjoy the sunshine!

Date: Tue, Jul 26, 2011 4:35 pm.
Pacific Daylight Saving Time
Thanks my truly skinny Socrates, Kato.

■"Madame Riviera and Burger"
(July 26, 2011)
I've read the above article.
Your article is excellent as usual.
I did remember that you lived in Yellowknife some years ago.

Many years ago, I too lived for six months or so in the north, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory.

Actually, I worked for a mining company in a small town called Faro (Anvil Mines at the time) as secretary to the President.
I was given my own apartment (most of the staff had to live in bunk houses) and a huge salary compared with what I would receive in Vancouver.
So I was thrilled about that.
I didn't want to feel totally isolated, though, so I asked whether I could eat with the others in the cookhouse and they obliged.
Thank God.
It was fun and much easier than doing my own cooking and making do with the limited selection in the local store.
The cook took a special liking to me and every day he would give me extra rations of cookies and cakes.
Pretty soon I realized that if I took advantage of these favours I would end up being a roly-poly.

so I would take them and then give them away.
Lotsa fun.
I do remember a really cute Japanese gal who worked up there telling me she had already gained 25 lbs in one year, and it showed.

It was all the lesson I needed, thankfully.

Le Crueset cookware is definitely famous.
A friend of mine in Kerrisdale has some and he said they're very, very expensive but worth every penny.

He has one pot that he uses almost daily and has for years and it has proved to be the best pot he's every cooked with and worked with---sturdy, reliable, easy to work with.
So I guess it's worth the big bucks, true?!
Le Creuset

Le Creuset is a French cookware manufacturer best known for its colorful enameled cast iron casseroles, which the company calls "French Ovens", or "Dutch Ovens".
The company also makes many other types of cookware, from sauce pans to tagines, and sells a line of corkscrews and wine openers under the "Screwpull" brand.
Le Creuset was founded in 1925 in the town of Fresnoy-le-Grand in Northern France by two Belgian industrialists - Armand Desaegher (a casting specialist) and Octave Aubecq (an enameling specialist).
The pair introduced the signature Le Creuset round cocotte (French/Dutch Oven) soon after; the cocotte remains the company's most popular cookware piece to this day.
In 1934 Le Creuset introduced the signature Flame (orange) colored enamel on its cast iron cookware items.
The company also invented the doufeu, a Dutch oven with a concave lid that is filled with ice during the cooking process.
After World War II, Le Creuset began to focus on exportation, and by 1952, 50% of all cast iron production was bound for the United States.
In 1955 Le Creuset introduced its first grill model - the Tostador - and in 1956 a new color, Elysees Yellow, was introduced to great success.
In 1957, Le Creuset purchased its competitor Les Hauts Fourneaux de Cousances and began producing some signature Cousances cookware vessels, including the doufeu, a cocotte with a water lid, under the Le Creuset brand.
The current Le Creuset logo was introduced in 1970 and was designed to be a symbolic representation of metal casting and molding.
The company was purchased by current owner Paul Van Zuydam in 1987.
(Note: picture from the Denman library)
Free encyclopedia Wikipedia

Kato, why don't you take me to Antibes with you?

Don't be silly, Diane! We're in beautiful Vancouver.

Diane... Vancouver is the paradise...don't you think?

Vancouver is pretty good, but not paradise I'd say.
The weather's too crummy half the time, or more than half the time actually, Which is why my brother left Canada for France.
He could no longer stand the cold weather.
Certainly, I do miss him.
As a matter of fact, I've found an interesting joke:

You see, Kato, we don't have many sunny days in Vancouver!
Anyway, I enjoyed reading your article.
Thanks again for all this.

Love, Diane ~ did stay up in Faro for six months, didn't you?

Oh, yes, I did really enjoy the life up there.
I can easily imagine that you enjoyed working for the president and getting a huge salary.
Yes, you're telling me, Kato.
Then, how come you quit the job and left Faro?

I didn't want to be like a roly-poly gal like the above.

Oh, c'mon, Diane! Don't be silly! You can't eat that much.
Yes, I could. You see, Kato, the cook took a special liking to me and every day he would give me extra rations of cookies and cakes. He kept on doing that. If I had stayed for another six months, I would have ended up like a really fat woman.
Oh, yeah?
I'd really wanna be in a good shape as you know.
Yes, I know you're quite health-conscious. Anyway, you must've been enjoying the life in Faro. What was it like?
If you're really interested in the life up there, you might just as well watch the following video clip, which I've found while net-surfing.
CWG Pan Northern Torch Relay
in Faro, Yukon
July 1, 2006

The scenery is quie familiar to me. It reminds me of Yellowknife, where I stayed for about two years.

Yellowknife is not too far away from Faro. So both places are much alike, I suppose.
You know what, Diane?
What's that? Tell me.
I was almost to meet you in Faro.
Do you really mean it?
Yes, I do. When I quit the government job in Yellowknife, I came down to Vancouver, where I was hired by Information Systems Services Inc.---a consulting firm.
So you started working as a consultant, didn't you?
Yes, my boss said to me that the firm hired me because the Cyprus Anvil Mining Corporation needed a consultant who specialized in the Hewlett-Packard mini-computer system.
So, Kato, you specialized in the HP minicomputer system, didn't you?
Yes, I did.
Then how come your firm didn't send you to Faro.
I did some research on that.

Faro is a small town in the central Yukon, Canada, formerly the home of the largest open pit lead–zinc mine in the world as well as a significant producer of silver and other natural resource ventures.
The mine was built by the Ralph M. Parsons Construction Company of the USA with General Enterprises Ltd. of Whitehorse being the main subcontractor.
Currently (June 2007) the population is 400, considerably lower than its peak of over 2,100 in February 1982.
Faro was named after the card game.
Though these industries have declined over the past decade, Faro is attempting to attract eco-tourists to the region to view such animals as Dall's Sheep and Stone's Sheep—a species of mountain sheep almost unique to the surrounding area.
Several viewing platforms have been constructed in and around the town.
One unique feature of Faro is that it has a golf course running through the main part of town.
Residents are also treated to frequent sightings of wildlife.
Lorne Greene, famous for his work in Bonanza, once narrated a film about Faro called "A New World In the Yukon."
The area was prospected in the 1950s and 1960s by Al Kulan, credited with discovering several significant deposits of lead and zinc ore and playing a major role in the discovery of the Faro Mine, which became Canada's largest lead-zinc mine.
The Cyprus Anvil Mining Corporation established the first operations to mine the deposits, and established the town of Faro.
A new highway was built between Carmacks and Ross River to serve the Faro area - initially numbered Highway 9, it is today part of the Robert Campbell Highway, Yukon Highway 4.
Al Kulan was murdered in 1977 by a person diagnosed by a psychiatrist called by his defense counsel at trial as having a "paranoid personality disorder compounded by alcohol abuse" and who had a list of people he wanted to kill including the Commissioner of the Yukon.
The murderer had no mining connection with Kulan.
The victim, who was living in Vernon, B.C. at the time, was actively involved in mineral exploration at the time of his death and was in Ross River to prospect an area nearby.
A forest fire in 1969 destroyed the beautiful newly-built homes, and work had to start all over again.
The mine remained in more-or-less constant production until 1982.
Trucks carried the ore concentrate from the mill by highway to Whitehorse, where the buckets were lifted from the trucks and lowered onto cars of the White Pass and Yukon Route railway.
The trains took the buckets another 106 miles to Skagway, Alaska, where the contents were poured out into the holds of ships.
During those years, Cyprus Anvil was purchased by Dome Petroleum.
World prices for metals fell in 1982, and the mine owners announced in May a two-month halt to production starting in June, 1982.
In July, the mine owners extended the shutdown to four months.
In September, the owners announced that the shutdown would be indefinite.
(Note: map from the Denman library)
Free encyclopedia Wikipedia

My firm changed its plan, and sent me to ICBC (Insurance Corporation of British Columbia).

Well..., now I know the reason. As you see the above Faro's history, world prices for metals fell in 1982, and the mine owners announced in May a two-month halt to production starting in June, 1982. This economical down turn made the mining company stop hiring more consultants.
So, you were sent to ICBS, instead of Cyprus Anvil Mining Corporation, weren't you?
Yes, I was. If I had been sent to Faro, I would've certainly met you up north.
What a strange fate, Kato! And we met in Joe Fortes Library, Vancouver, instead.
Yes, we did. We were supposed to meet in this world...ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,...
But, I don't think Vancouver is not a paradise, Kato.
Why not?
Well..., the weather's too crummy half the time, or more than half the time actually, Which is why my brother left Canada for France. He could no longer stand the cold weather.
I see... I see... but, Diane, you're expecting too much, you know.
Am I?
Yes, you are. Take a close look at Japan.

Too many eathquakes in Japan?

You're telling me, Diane.

Nuclear plant disaters?

Yes, you're telling me.

Too many tsunami damages?

Yes, there are. I don't think you like those giant waves. Besides, there are also social and cultural disaters.

How many people die by suicide in Japan?

There have been more than 30,000 people who commit suicide every year for these ten years---almost 100 people die by suicide a day---four people an hour.
Oh, what a pity!
Besides, some people are starving to death.
Kato, you must be kidding! Starving to death in Japan?
Here is a proof:


I can hardly believe this!

I don't really like to see this kind of abominable situation. But there's something awfully wrong about Japanese society and politics.
What's that?
Well...I'm writing some articles about pitiful Japanese situations.
Are you?
Yes, I am. Anyway, take a look at these pictures.

Compared to the Japanese natural, social, and cultural climates, I would say, Vancouver is a paradise, though we don't have many sunny days.

So, paradise is a matter of relativity, isn't it?
Yes, it is. And it's a matter of choice. I've chosen Vancouver as my paradise, and you're an important part of my paradise.
Why is that?
...'Cause you've got a network of happy and friendly people.
Have I?
Yes, you have. You've forwarded me this happy and funny mail the other day.

I feel that I live in a paradise when reading the above message and looking at those hilarious pictures while smiling.
May your mornings bring joy,
and your evenings bring peace.
May your troubles grow less
as your blessings increase!
【Himiko's Monologue】

Yes, yes, yes, I can see that Vancouver is a paradise.
As Kato mentioned, there's something awfully wrong with the Japanese politics, which produces miserable situations, where some people commit suicide or are starving to death.
What a pity!
As one of the Japasene citizens, I think each Japanese should take an action to improve the sad situations.
Don't you think so?
Paradise is one thing; romance is another.
Come to think of it, I've never met a decent man in my net life.
How come I'm always a loner?
I wish I could meet a nice gentleman at the library in my town as Kato met Diane.
Well, they say, there is a way where there is a will.
Have a nice day!
Bye bye ...

■"Queen Nefertiti"
■"Catherine de Medici"
■"Catherine the Great"

■"Mata Hari"
■"Sidonie Colette"

■"Marilyn Monroe"
■"Hello Diane!"
■"I wish you were there!"
■"Jane Eyre"

■"Jane Eyre Again"
■"Jane Eyre in Vancouver"
■"Jane Eyre Special"
■"Love & Death of Cleopatra"
■"Nice Story"

■"Spiritual Work or What?"
■"What a coincidence!"

■"Wind and Water"
■"Yoga and Happiness"
■"You're in a good shape"

■"Net Travel & Jane"

■"Net Love"
■"Complicated Love"
■"Electra Complex"
■"Net Début"
■"Inner World"
■"Madame Riviera and Burger"


■ 『きれいになったと感じさせる
■ 『ちょっと変わった 新しい古代日本史』
■ 『面白くて楽しいレンゲ物語』

■ 『カナダのバーナビーと軽井沢に
■ 『今すぐに役立つホットな情報』
■ 『 ○ 笑う者には福が来る ○ 』





